Source code for drf_yasg.inspectors.view

import logging
from collections import OrderedDict

from rest_framework.request import is_form_media_type
from rest_framework.schemas import AutoSchema
from rest_framework.status import is_success

from .. import openapi
from ..errors import SwaggerGenerationError
from ..utils import (
    filter_none, force_real_str, force_serializer_instance, get_consumes, get_produces, guess_response_status,
    merge_params, no_body, param_list_to_odict
from .base import ViewInspector, call_view_method

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class SwaggerAutoSchema(ViewInspector):
    def __init__(self, view, path, method, components, request, overrides, operation_keys=None):
        super(SwaggerAutoSchema, self).__init__(view, path, method, components, request, overrides)
        self._sch = AutoSchema()
        self._sch.view = view
        self.operation_keys = operation_keys

[docs] def get_operation(self, operation_keys=None): operation_keys = operation_keys or self.operation_keys consumes = self.get_consumes() produces = self.get_produces() body = self.get_request_body_parameters(consumes) query = self.get_query_parameters() parameters = body + query parameters = filter_none(parameters) parameters = self.add_manual_parameters(parameters) operation_id = self.get_operation_id(operation_keys) summary, description = self.get_summary_and_description() security = self.get_security() assert security is None or isinstance(security, list), "security must be a list of security requirement objects" deprecated = self.is_deprecated() tags = self.get_tags(operation_keys) responses = self.get_responses() return openapi.Operation( operation_id=operation_id, description=force_real_str(description), summary=force_real_str(summary), responses=responses, parameters=parameters, consumes=consumes, produces=produces, tags=tags, security=security, deprecated=deprecated )
[docs] def get_request_body_parameters(self, consumes): """Return the request body parameters for this view. |br| This is either: - a list with a single object Parameter with a :class:`.Schema` derived from the request serializer - a list of primitive Parameters parsed as form data :param list[str] consumes: a list of accepted MIME types as returned by :meth:`.get_consumes` :return: a (potentially empty) list of :class:`.Parameter`\\ s either ``in: body`` or ``in: formData`` :rtype: list[openapi.Parameter] """ serializer = self.get_request_serializer() schema = None if serializer is None: return [] if isinstance(serializer, openapi.Schema.OR_REF): schema = serializer if any(is_form_media_type(encoding) for encoding in consumes): if schema is not None: raise SwaggerGenerationError("form request body cannot be a Schema") return self.get_request_form_parameters(serializer) else: if schema is None: schema = self.get_request_body_schema(serializer) return [self.make_body_parameter(schema)] if schema is not None else []
[docs] def get_view_serializer(self): """Return the serializer as defined by the view's ``get_serializer()`` method. :return: the view's ``Serializer`` :rtype: rest_framework.serializers.Serializer """ return call_view_method(self.view, 'get_serializer')
[docs] def _get_request_body_override(self): """Parse the request_body key in the override dict. This method is not public API.""" body_override = self.overrides.get('request_body', None) if body_override is not None: if body_override is no_body: return no_body if self.method not in self.body_methods: raise SwaggerGenerationError("request_body can only be applied to (" + ','.join(self.body_methods) + "); are you looking for query_serializer or manual_parameters?") if isinstance(body_override, openapi.Schema.OR_REF): return body_override return force_serializer_instance(body_override) return body_override
[docs] def get_request_serializer(self): """Return the request serializer (used for parsing the request payload) for this endpoint. :return: the request serializer, or one of :class:`.Schema`, :class:`.SchemaRef`, ``None`` :rtype: rest_framework.serializers.Serializer """ body_override = self._get_request_body_override() if body_override is None and self.method in self.implicit_body_methods: return self.get_view_serializer() if body_override is no_body: return None return body_override
[docs] def get_request_form_parameters(self, serializer): """Given a Serializer, return a list of ``in: formData`` :class:`.Parameter`\\ s. :param serializer: the view's request serializer as returned by :meth:`.get_request_serializer` :rtype: list[openapi.Parameter] """ return self.serializer_to_parameters(serializer, in_=openapi.IN_FORM)
[docs] def get_request_body_schema(self, serializer): """Return the :class:`.Schema` for a given request's body data. Only applies to PUT, PATCH and POST requests. :param serializer: the view's request serializer as returned by :meth:`.get_request_serializer` :rtype: openapi.Schema """ return self.serializer_to_schema(serializer)
[docs] def make_body_parameter(self, schema): """Given a :class:`.Schema` object, create an ``in: body`` :class:`.Parameter`. :param openapi.Schema schema: the request body schema :rtype: openapi.Parameter """ return openapi.Parameter(name='data', in_=openapi.IN_BODY, required=True, schema=schema)
[docs] def add_manual_parameters(self, parameters): """Add/replace parameters from the given list of automatically generated request parameters. :param list[openapi.Parameter] parameters: generated parameters :return: modified parameters :rtype: list[openapi.Parameter] """ manual_parameters = self.overrides.get('manual_parameters', None) or [] if any(param.in_ == openapi.IN_BODY for param in manual_parameters): # pragma: no cover raise SwaggerGenerationError("specify the body parameter as a Schema or Serializer in request_body") if any(param.in_ == openapi.IN_FORM for param in manual_parameters): # pragma: no cover has_body_parameter = any(param.in_ == openapi.IN_BODY for param in parameters) if has_body_parameter or not any(is_form_media_type(encoding) for encoding in self.get_consumes()): raise SwaggerGenerationError("cannot add form parameters when the request has a request body; " "did you forget to set an appropriate parser class on the view?") if self.method not in self.body_methods: raise SwaggerGenerationError("form parameters can only be applied to " "(" + ','.join(self.body_methods) + ") HTTP methods") return merge_params(parameters, manual_parameters)
[docs] def get_responses(self): """Get the possible responses for this view as a swagger :class:`.Responses` object. :return: the documented responses :rtype: openapi.Responses """ response_serializers = self.get_response_serializers() return openapi.Responses( responses=self.get_response_schemas(response_serializers) )
[docs] def get_default_response_serializer(self): """Return the default response serializer for this endpoint. This is derived from either the ``request_body`` override or the request serializer (:meth:`.get_view_serializer`). :return: response serializer, :class:`.Schema`, :class:`.SchemaRef`, ``None`` """ body_override = self._get_request_body_override() if body_override and body_override is not no_body: return body_override return self.get_view_serializer()
[docs] def get_default_responses(self): """Get the default responses determined for this view from the request serializer and request method. :type: dict[str, openapi.Schema] """ method = self.method.lower() default_status = guess_response_status(method) default_schema = '' if method in ('get', 'post', 'put', 'patch'): default_schema = self.get_default_response_serializer() default_schema = default_schema or '' if default_schema and not isinstance(default_schema, openapi.Schema): default_schema = self.serializer_to_schema(default_schema) or '' if default_schema: if self.has_list_response(): default_schema = openapi.Schema(type=openapi.TYPE_ARRAY, items=default_schema) if self.should_page(): default_schema = self.get_paginated_response(default_schema) or default_schema return OrderedDict({str(default_status): default_schema})
[docs] def get_response_serializers(self): """Return the response codes that this view is expected to return, and the serializer for each response body. The return value should be a dict where the keys are possible status codes, and values are either strings, ``Serializer``\\ s, :class:`.Schema`, :class:`.SchemaRef` or :class:`.Response` objects. See :func:`@swagger_auto_schema <.swagger_auto_schema>` for more details. :return: the response serializers :rtype: dict """ manual_responses = self.overrides.get('responses', None) or {} manual_responses = OrderedDict((str(sc), resp) for sc, resp in manual_responses.items()) responses = OrderedDict() if not any(is_success(int(sc)) for sc in manual_responses if sc != 'default'): responses = self.get_default_responses() responses.update((str(sc), resp) for sc, resp in manual_responses.items()) return responses
[docs] def get_response_schemas(self, response_serializers): """Return the :class:`.openapi.Response` objects calculated for this view. :param dict response_serializers: response serializers as returned by :meth:`.get_response_serializers` :return: a dictionary of status code to :class:`.Response` object :rtype: dict[str, openapi.Response] """ responses = OrderedDict() for sc, serializer in response_serializers.items(): if isinstance(serializer, str): response = openapi.Response( description=force_real_str(serializer) ) elif not serializer: continue elif isinstance(serializer, openapi.Response): response = serializer if hasattr(response, 'schema') and not isinstance(response.schema, openapi.Schema.OR_REF): serializer = force_serializer_instance(response.schema) response.schema = self.serializer_to_schema(serializer) elif isinstance(serializer, openapi.Schema.OR_REF): response = openapi.Response( description='', schema=serializer, ) elif isinstance(serializer, openapi._Ref): response = serializer else: serializer = force_serializer_instance(serializer) response = openapi.Response( description='', schema=self.serializer_to_schema(serializer), ) responses[str(sc)] = response return responses
[docs] def get_query_serializer(self): """Return the query serializer (used for parsing query parameters) for this endpoint. :return: the query serializer, or ``None`` """ query_serializer = self.overrides.get('query_serializer', None) if query_serializer is not None: query_serializer = force_serializer_instance(query_serializer) return query_serializer
[docs] def get_query_parameters(self): """Return the query parameters accepted by this view. :rtype: list[openapi.Parameter] """ natural_parameters = self.get_filter_parameters() + self.get_pagination_parameters() query_serializer = self.get_query_serializer() serializer_parameters = [] if query_serializer is not None: serializer_parameters = self.serializer_to_parameters(query_serializer, in_=openapi.IN_QUERY) if len(set(param_list_to_odict(natural_parameters)) & set(param_list_to_odict(serializer_parameters))) != 0: raise SwaggerGenerationError( "your query_serializer contains fields that conflict with the " "filter_backend or paginator_class on the view - %s %s" % (self.method, self.path) ) return natural_parameters + serializer_parameters
[docs] def get_operation_id(self, operation_keys=None): """Return an unique ID for this operation. The ID must be unique across all :class:`.Operation` objects in the API. :param tuple[str] operation_keys: an array of keys derived from the path describing the hierarchical layout of this view in the API; e.g. ``('snippets', 'list')``, ``('snippets', 'retrieve')``, etc. :rtype: str """ operation_keys = operation_keys or self.operation_keys operation_id = self.overrides.get('operation_id', '') if not operation_id: operation_id = '_'.join(operation_keys) return operation_id
[docs] def split_summary_from_description(self, description): """Decide if and how to split a summary out of the given description. The default implementation uses the first paragraph of the description as a summary if it is less than 120 characters long. :param description: the full description to be analyzed :return: summary and description :rtype: (str,str) """ # summary = None summary_max_len = 120 # OpenAPI 2.0 spec says summary should be under 120 characters sections = description.split('\n\n', 1) if len(sections) == 2: sections[0] = sections[0].strip() if len(sections[0]) < summary_max_len: summary, description = sections description = description.strip() return summary, description
[docs] def get_summary_and_description(self): """Return an operation summary and description determined from the view's docstring. :return: summary and description :rtype: (str,str) """ description = self.overrides.get('operation_description', None) summary = self.overrides.get('operation_summary', None) if description is None: description = self._sch.get_description(self.path, self.method) or '' description = description.strip().replace('\r', '') if description and (summary is None): # description from docstring... do summary magic summary, description = self.split_summary_from_description(description) return summary, description
[docs] def get_security(self): """Return a list of security requirements for this operation. Returning an empty list marks the endpoint as unauthenticated (i.e. removes all accepted authentication schemes). Returning ``None`` will inherit the top-level security requirements. :return: security requirements :rtype: list[dict[str,list[str]]]""" return self.overrides.get('security', None)
[docs] def is_deprecated(self): """Return ``True`` if this operation is to be marked as deprecated. :return: deprecation status :rtype: bool """ return self.overrides.get('deprecated', None)
[docs] def get_tags(self, operation_keys=None): """Get a list of tags for this operation. Tags determine how operations relate with each other, and in the UI each tag will show as a group containing the operations that use it. If not provided in overrides, tags will be inferred from the operation url. :param tuple[str] operation_keys: an array of keys derived from the path describing the hierarchical layout of this view in the API; e.g. ``('snippets', 'list')``, ``('snippets', 'retrieve')``, etc. :rtype: list[str] """ operation_keys = operation_keys or self.operation_keys tags = self.overrides.get('tags') if not tags: tags = [operation_keys[0]] return tags
[docs] def get_consumes(self): """Return the MIME types this endpoint can consume. :rtype: list[str] """ return get_consumes(self.get_parser_classes())
[docs] def get_produces(self): """Return the MIME types this endpoint can produce. :rtype: list[str] """ return get_produces(self.get_renderer_classes())